November 23, 2024
First-look into the making of Season 1 in celebration of Doctor Who Day
To celebrate sixty-one years of Doctor Who, we’re bringing you a little bit extra from the latest era of the series! Over on the official Doctor Who YouTube channel, you can watch deleted scenes from Season 1 and the third 60th Anniversary special, The Giggle.
There are many reasons why not everything in a script makes it into the final broadcast episode: runtime, pacing, or even just a change in artistic direction. And, as an extra treat, each deleted scene comes with a note from showrunner Russell T Davies explaining the decision not to include it in the final cut.
Read on for the full list of deleted scenes below.
Scenes 9-10a: As UNIT welcomes the Doctor and Donna to their new HQ, Donna ensures that her family are protected from the dangers of the Giggle on the outside world.
Russell T Davies’ Note: “Cut because it spoils that sweeping entrance, to stop and have a chat. And get to Mel faster!”
Scene 27: Doors, doors and more doors! The Doctor and Donna attempt to negotiate their way through the Toymaker’s infinite and tricksome domain.
RTD Note: “Cut for time.”
Scene 16: Ruby shares her experience as an orphan with the Space Babies before being interrupted by an excitable Doctor on his way to Portal 357.
RTD Note: “Cut for time, which is a shame, Millie's wonderful here.”
Scenes 40/42: “Into the belly of the beast...” The Doctor and Ruby navigate some daunting and increasingly bogey-filled corridors as they approach the Bogeyman’s lair.
RTD Note: “Cut to get to the Bogeyman faster.”
Scene 63: The Doctor and the Bogeyman recover from their airlock encounter, and the Doctor even checks on the Bogeyman’s wellbeing – carefully, of course!
RTD Note: “Not needed, though a wide shot of this scene plays on the screens behind Jocelyn.”

Scene 9a: After witnessing a miserable performance of ‘Three Blind Mice’, the Doctor declares, “Someone has stolen music!”
RTD Note: “Felt a bit psychic of the Doctor, how does he know it’s stolen?”
Scene 23: Maestro, having just popped out of a rooftop piano, uses their cosmic tuning fork to track the location of the retreating Doctor and Ruby.
RTD Note: “Cut for time, get on with it!”
Scene 72: The Doctor and Ruby run back up the rooftop stairwell as music returns to the world.
RTD Note: “Cut because this explains what’s about to happen. Just let it happen instead!”
Scene 74: A montage through some Londoners’ windows as they rediscover music in their hearts.
RTD Note: “Nice idea, but not really needed.”
Scenes 3-4: With the Doctor suddenly missing, Ruby waits outside the TARDIS alone, with the mysterious Woman standing nearby...
RTD Note: “It’s already a long, slow opening, get on with it!”
Scenes 53-54: The morning after her victory against Roger ap Gwilliam, 40 year-old Ruby runs to her window to find, sadly, that the Woman is still outside.
RTD Note: “Much more effective to cut on the earlier scene, as Ruby asks the Woman, ‘Can you leave me alone now?’”

Scenes 41-44: An alternative sequence of the moment Harriet Arbinger heralds the return of Sutekh.
RTD Note: “All tightened, sharpened and pulled up.”
Scene 35: The Doctor, Ruby and Mel arrive in 2046. Shortly after they exit the Remembered TARDIS, it fades away; its purpose fulfilled.
RTD Note: “We lost this because I didn’t want the Remembered TARDIS to die, I like the thought of it still out there somewhere.”
Scenes 59-63: Ever wondered where the Doctor’s TARDIS-controlling whistle came from? This timey-wimey sequence shows the Doctor programming the TARDIS to respond to the whistle’s pitch, then using a hatch to pass the whistle back to his past self. Bit of a cheat, but as the Doctor says, “We’re fighting a god – we get one trick once!”
RTD Note: “This seemed terribly complicated. But watching it again now, it’s great, maybe we shouldn't have cut it. Though I don't think anyone wondered where he got his whistle from...?”
Would you like to see these deleted scenes in their original context? In honour of Doctor Who Day, the BBC Writers’ Room has released the scripts from Season 1 on their website here.