Season 08 | EP 4

Colony in Space

Written by Malcolm Hulke

"You'll never understand, will you? I want to see the universe, not rule it."

Episode Title Premiere Date
Episode 1 10/04/1971
Episode 2 17/04/1971
Episode 3 24/04/1971
Episode 4 01/05/1971
Episode 5 08/05/1971
Episode 6 15/05/1971

The Time Lords discover that the Master has stolen secret information about a device called the Doomsday Weapon and realise they need the exiled Doctor's help. They send the TARDIS, along with the Doctor and his assistant Jo Grant, to the bleak planet Uxarieus in the middle of the 25th Century where all is not well. What is attacking the colonists and can the Doctor stop his old enemy from finding the dangerous weapon before it is too late?

Cast & Crew

The Doctor: Jon Pertwee

Jo Grant: Katy Manning

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart: Nicholas Courtney

The Master: Roger Delgado

Ashe: John Ringham

Mary Ashe: Helen Worth

Caldwell: Bernard Kay

Dent: Morris Perry

Morgan: Tony Caunter

Guardian: Norman Atkyns

Producer: Barry Letts

Director: Michael Briant

Scriptwriter: Malcolm Hulke

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