January 26, 2023
The third season for Jon Pertwee's Third Doctor is the next release to come to Blu-ray with Season 9.
Pre-order DOCTOR WHO: THE COLLECTION - SEASON 9 from Amazon, Zavvi and Rarewaves in the UK, and Amazon in the US ahead of its release on the 20th March.
Across an action-packed twenty-six episodes, the Doctor and Jo (Katy Manning) face off against Daleks, Ogrons, Sea Devils, Ice Warriors, Mutants and their old enemy the Master (Roger Delgado). Joining them in their adventures are the UNIT team of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (Nicholas Courtney), Captain Yates (Richard Franklin) and Sergeant Benton (John Levene).

All episodes have been newly remastered from the best available sources – these classic adventures have never looked or sounded so good on home media.
The Collection: Season 9 Blu-ray box set also includes extensive special features including:
- MAKING THE TIME MONSTER Looking back on the Season 9 finale with Katy Manning, John Levene and more.
- MICHAEL E BRIANT AT THE HELM A profile of director Michael E Briant.
- LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION Katy Manning and friends revisit the filming locations of Season 9.
- THE FELL GUY A profile of prolific stuntman Stuart Fell.
- BEHIND THE SOFA Five new Behind the Sofa episodes featuring Katy Manning (Jo), Peter Davison (The Fifth Doctor), Wendy Padbury (Zoe), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sophie Aldred (Ace) and director Michael E Briant.
- BLU-RAY TRAILER A brand new slice of classic Doctor Who.
- MOVIE-LENGTH EDITIONS Special repeat screenings of Day Of The Daleks and The Sea Devils, previously unavailable.
- CONVENTION FOOTAGE A chance to hear from UNIT’s Nicholas Courtney and Richard Franklin, recorded in 1986.
- 5.1 SURROUND & DOLBY ATMOS SOUND On The Sea Devils (episodic and omnibus edition).
- HD PHOTO GALLERIES Including many previously unseen images.
- AUDIO ARCHIVE Featuring many unreleased gems.
- INFO TEXT Behind-the-scenes information and trivia on every episode.
- PDF ARCHIVE Including scripts, exclusive unseen BBC production files and other rarities.
And loads more!
This eight-disc box set also includes hours of special features previously released on DVD including Documentaries, Featurettes, Audio Commentaries, Day Of The Daleks Special Edition and more.
A specially shot announcement trailer has debuted on the Doctor Who YouTube channel, written by new series contributor Pete McTighe (KERBLAM! and PRAXEUS) and featuring Katy Manning back as Jo.