Series 08 | EP 10

In the Forest of the Night

Written by Frank Cottrell-Boyce

"If you can't save them all, save what you can. TARDIS. It's a lifeboat, isn't it? Not everybody has to die."

Episode Title Premiere Date
In the Forest of the Night  25/10/2014

One morning in every city and town in the world, the human race wakes up to face the most surprising invasion yet. Everywhere, in every land, a forest has grown overnight and taken back the Earth. It doesn't take the Doctor long to discover that the final days of humanity have arrived.

Cast & Crew

The Doctor: Peter Capaldi

Clara: Jenna Coleman

Danny: Samuel Anderson

Maebh: Abigail Eames

Samson: Jaydon Harris-Wallace

Bradley: Ashley Foster

Ruby: Harley Bird

Missy: Michelle Gomez

Maebh's Mum: Siwan Morris

George: Harry Dickman

Annabel: Eloise Barnes

Little Boy: William Wright-Neblett

Accra Reporter: Nana Amoo-Gottfried

Paris Reporter: Kate Tydman

Herself: Jenny Hill

Emergency Service Officer: Curtis Flowers

Neighbour: Michelle Asante

Minister: James Weber Brown

Executive Producer: Steven Moffat

Executive Producer: Brian Minchin

Producer: Paul Frift

Director: Sheree Folkson

Writer: Frank Cottrell Boyce