
SPECIAL OFFER: 15% OFF Big Finish Fourth Doctor stories

By Cameron K McEwan

Our friends at Big Finish have got a BIG offer on for a BIG Doctor Who character - the Fourth Doctor, as played by Tom Baker.

Check out The Fourth Doctor range from Big Finish here.

Fans can receive 15% off ALL Fourth Doctor audio adventures from Big Finish from today until Sept 15, 2016.

All you have to do is enter the code 15OFFTOM at checkout.

The Fourth Doctor stories include companions such as: Romana, as played by Lalla Ward; Leela, Louise Jameson; and everyone’s favourite tin dog, K9. You’ll also find familiar foes such as the Daleks, Cybermen and Zygons up against the Doctor once more.

Check out The Fourth Doctor range from Big Finish here.

Please note that this code cannot be used for discounting on bundles and subscriptions. Offer is open until Sept 15, 2016.

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