TV Series

Pearl Mackie Returns As Bill Potts for Doctor Who Christmas Special

By Cameron K McEwan

Yesterday we discovered the title of the forthcoming Doctor Who Christmas Special, Twice Upon A Time, but we also discovered that Pearl Mackie will return as Bill Potts for the episode.

What a fantastic Christmas gift!

Alongside Peter Capaldi, in his final ep as the Twelfth Doctor, David Bradley, as the First Doctor, and Mark Gatiss, as The Captain, Mackie reprised her much-loved role as Bill in Twice Upon A Time.

Check out the Doctor Who 2017 Christmas Special trailer breakdown

However, viewers will have to wait until Christmas to discover exactly how Bill, who will appear throughout the episode, makes her return. Fans will remember that, at the end of Doctor Who Series 10, Bill was subjected to a Cyber conversion and then saved by Heather (who first appeared in the 2017 opener, The Pilot). The two were last seen jumping into all of space and time from the TARDIS in The Doctor Falls.

Here’s a look at how Bill will look at Christmas.

Peal Mackie as Bill Potts

But, and it’s a very sad ‘but’, this Christmas is to be Pearl’s final appearance as Bill in Doctor Who.

Mackie announced to thousands of Whovians attending a special Doctor Who panel at San Diego Comic-Con that she would not be returning for Series 11. The actress said:

“No, that’s it – Christmas special, last chance to see Bill.”

Though, Pearl did add:

“But, I mean, hey, it’s Doctor Who so never say never”.

During the panel, which consisted of Peter Capaldi, Michelle Gomez (Missy), Matt Lucas (Nardole), actor/writer Mark Gatiss and showrunner Steven Moffat, Mackie spoke about the special experience of being a Doctor Who companion:

"What was really special to me about Bill was that she's so real."

Like many of you, we’re sad to see Pearl go but we can’t wait to see what she gets up to this Christmas with TWO Doctors!

Twice Upon A Time airs later this year.

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