July 21, 2018
This September, BBC Books will publish Doctor Who: The Women Who Lived, a beautifully illustrated collection of inspiring tales of the women of Doctor Who. It will be the first official book published to accompany the new series, celebrating Jodie Whittaker’s debut as the Thirteenth Doctor.

Written by Christel Dee, former presenter of YouTube series Doctor Who: The Fan Show, and author Simon Guerrier, the book will feature more than 75 inspiring tales of remarkable women of the Whoniverse, both real and imagined.

From historical figures such as Agatha Christie and Queen Victoria to fan favourites like Bill Potts and River Song, each of these women has made a unique contribution to the world of Doctor Who. Whether they’re facing down Daleks or thwarting a Nestene invasion, they don’t hang around waiting to be rescued – they roll their sleeves up and get stuck in. Scientists and soldiers, queens and canteen workers, women from outlandish science-fiction and those steeped in real history, they don’t let anything hold them back.

Illustrated throughout with specially-commissioned artwork by a team of female artists – Jo Bee, Gwen Burns, Sophie Cowdrey, Lydia Futral, Kate Holden, Bev Johnson, Dani Jones, Sonia Leong, Cliodhna Lyons, Mogamoka, Valentina Mozzo, Naniiebim, Lara Pickle, Emma Price, Katy Shuttleworth, Natalie Smillie, Rachael Smith, Raine Szramski, Tammy Taylor, Emma Vieceli and Caz Zhu. The book also features new companion Yasmin, and an extended entry on the Thirteenth incarnation of the Doctor.

Albert DePetrillo, BBC Books Publishing Director, says:
"We thought long and hard about which book would start our publishing programme for Jodie Whittaker’s first series of Doctor Who – and Christel and Simon’s book is the perfect choice. It’s bold and fresh in its approach, it makes a strong statement, it’s beautifully written, and stunning in its design. It represents everything we love about Doctor Who, and we couldn’t be happier to be publishing The Women Who Lived on the BBC Books list."
Christel Dee says:
"With Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor arriving this autumn, we thought this would be the perfect time to reflect upon the wealth of incredible female characters from Doctor Who’s 55 year history – because there are so many! We hope the stories in this book will inspire a whole new generation of fans and existing fans too."
Simon Guerrier says:
"We hope this offers a fresh perspective on the history of Doctor Who, a chance to celebrate the richness of past episodes as well as looking forward to the series’ exciting future. I thought I knew Doctor Who backwards, but we discovered loads of new things in our research for the book."
About the authors

Christel Dee is a cosplayer, convention enthusiast and long-time Whovian. She previously hosted Doctor Who: The Fan Show and is now part of Doctor Who’s digital marketing team. She writes regular cosplay features for Doctor Who Magazine and is a member of their Time Team panel. In 2017, she contributed cosplay tips to Doctor Who: Paper Dolls for BBC Books.

Simon Guerrier has written countless Doctor Who comics, audio plays, documentaries and books such as Whoniversal Records, and has co-authored Whographica and The Scientific Secrets of Doctor Who. He is currently working with his brother Thomas on Victorian Queens of Ancient Egypt, a documentary to be broadcast on Radio 3.
Doctor Who: The Women Who Lived: Amazing Tales for Future Time Lords will publish on 27th September in hardback, priced £16.99. You can pre-order it here for £9.99.