
Visit Skaro and watch out for roaming Daleks - It's Dalek Day!

By Vicky Williams

Following an explosive two part opener of Series Nine of Doctor Who, the Doctor Who Experience is celebrating the return of the Daleks with an interactive Dalek Day event on Saturday 24th October 2015.

Visitors will be able to go on an interactive adventure and visit the planet Skaro - home of the Daleks, see the actual Daleks that featured in the opening two-parter of Doctor Who Series Nine, learn how to operate a Dalek and take part in a Q&A session with Dalek operators as well as encountering roaming Daleks.

We're excited that Barnaby Edwards and Jon Davey will be joining us. Well known for being Dalek operators, and working on Doctor Who, visitors will have the opportunity to ask them questions as well as hearing about working with Daleks. If you want to have a question asked then you can ask them on the day or you can post your questions on twitter using the #DalekDay. Whatever you have wanted to know about Daleks, now is your chance to ask the experts!

Visitors will also see the revealing of the restored original Davros by Mike Tucker, a special effects expert who was the first person to work both on the classic series of Doctor Who and the revived series as a model work supervisor, as part of the Doctor Who Experience props refurbishment programme.

Plus, with the return of Davros to the TV Series, the Doctor Who Experience - in collaboration with Big Finish Productions is marking its recent visit of Colin Baker and Dalek Day by presenting the full length Sixth Doctor story, Davros as an exclusively free download to visitors. Get your voucher at the Doctor Who Experience. The download is only available from Saturday 24th October until midnight Sunday 8th November 2015.

Dalek Day launches the October half term holidays, where family fun activities will continue from Monday 26th to Friday 30th October.

Dalek Day and the half term activities are free events which are included in the price of a standard admission ticket.

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