

By Christel Dee

Looking for a perfect Christmas gift for the Doctor Who fan in your life? Look no further! We've got you've covered with these top picks.








Sonic Screwdriver toy


The new, electronic collectible is a perfect replica of the Doctor’s device, featuring a light crystal and two buttons to control the light and sound elements of the Sonic.





5.5” Thirteenth Doctor action figure


Renowned for its highly detailed 5-inch figures, this latest collectible from Character Options will delight fans who are celebrating the brand new TV series. The figure depicts the newly regenerated Time Lord dressed in her high-waisted culottes, rainbow striped dark blue shirt and coat.  Carrying the essential Sonic Screwdriver, the figure comes with multiple points of articulation.

Character Options推出的这款最新手办设计十分精细,第十一季的粉丝们一定会非常喜欢。重生的时间领主穿着高腰裙裤、深蓝底彩虹条纹衫和外套,手里拿着不可或缺的音速起子,有多个可活动关节。




Thirteenth Doctor Barbie


Exploring the universe, the Doctor Who Barbie® wears a rainbow-striped t-shirt, paired with cropped trousers and a trench coat. Additional true-to-character details include Doctor Who signature braces and lace-up boots. With Sonic Screwdriver in hand, this collectable Barbie® doll is fully posable and sculpted to the likeness of her onscreen character.





Personalised gifts


Our friends at Star Editions have a wonderful range of personalised products, including clocks, lunch tins, mugs and much more. With a wide range of artwork featuring Doctors and monsters throughout the 55 years of the show, there’s something for everyone here. 

Star Editions为你准备了个性化产品系列,包括时钟、午餐盒、马克杯等。剧集播出55年以来,有各种各样关于博士和怪物的艺术作品,总有一款适合你。




Check out the store here.

Thirteenth Doctor 2019 calendar


New Year is upon us, and so is the first ever Thirteenth Doctor calendar! Keep your fam organised in 2019.








Cel-Er-Brate Dalek tee


Christmas is here early, with this Dalek tee exclusive to Sainsburys.








The Secret in Vault 13

《The Secret in Vault 13》

From the genius mind of multi-award-winning author David Solomons comes a hilarious middle-grade adventure from the fantastic and thrilling world of Doctor Who.  The Doctor and her companions, Yaz, Graham and Ryan are just working out where to go on holiday when Graham’s potted begonia unexpectedly sends out a distress signal … The Secret in Vault 13 the perfect gift for young ones or for families to share.

由多种奖项获得者David Solomons执笔,这个故事是《神秘博士》奇妙惊险世界中的一个有趣冒险。博士与她的伙伴——Yaz、Graham和Ryan——正在研究去哪里度假,Graham的海棠盆栽意外发出了一个求救信号……《The Secret in Vault 13》是送给孩子们的完美礼物,也适合全家人共同欣赏。






The appearance of the Doctor's TARDIS, both inside and out, has changed many times over the years, and this manual features every incarnation – including the latest version for the Thirteenth Doctor. Complete with case studies of the wonder-craft in action taken from the TARDIS’s many trips through space and time, this manual is an essential guide to the wonders of the Whoniverse.





Combat Magicks audiobook

有声书《Combat Magicks》

The TARDIS arrives in Gaul in 451AD, on the eve of the battle between the forces of Attila the Hun and those of the crumbling Roman Empire. But the Doctor soon finds that both sides are being helped by sinister, supernatural creatures. The audiobook narrated by Mandip Gill is a must for those dying for more Thirteenth Doctor adventures.

TARDIS来到了公元451年的高卢,正值匈奴王阿提拉(Attila)与摇摇欲坠的罗马帝国开战前夕。但博士很快发现,双方都获得了来自邪恶超自然生物的帮助。想知道更多第十三任博士的故事吗?千万不要错过这本由Yaz扮演者Mandip Gill朗读的有声书。







Escape room tickets


The Doctor needs you: a tear in space and time has been detected and the Cybermen are about to break through! For the first time ever, Doctor Who escape games are launching in Bristol, Leeds, Oxford, Manchester, Reading and Birmingham. Gather your Team TARDIS and stop the human race from being “upgraded”!






DVD and Blu-ray

Season 19

Peter Davison’s first season as the famous Time Lord is here! In special limited edition packaging, and upscaled to glorious HD, Season 19 is the perfect gift for every fan of the Fifth Doctor. There are also hours of extras to keep the family entertained through to the New Year!





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