September 23, 2020
Character Options has announced their next batch of Doctor Who products, with six new sets going on sale in October 2020.
From the friends of the Thirteenth Doctor, the Fifth Doctor in The Visitation, the Fourth Doctor in fetching tartan, and even more Daleks, there’s something for every Doctor Who fan in these new sets.
These action figures are available from B&M in the UK from October 2020, and from The Official North America Doctor Who Store, Amazon and the BBC Shop in the US.
Friends of the Thirteenth Doctor
Up first are three updated figures of the Thirteenth Doctor’s friends Yasmin (Yaz) Khan, Graham O'Brien and Ryan Sinclair. These most recent companions all feature a brand-new set of outfits inspired by their onscreen adventures.
Companions of the Third & Fourth Doctor
This set features new figures of Sarah Jane Smith and Romana 1 and 2. The outfits are Sarah Jane Smith from the Third Doctor adventure The Monster of Peladon, Romana 1 in her outfit from The Power of Kroll and Romana 2 in her red outfit from the The Horns of Nimon.
1975 UNIT Terror of the Zygons Set
Is this possibly the most anticipated variant of the Fourth Doctor’s outfit? The Doctor is decked out in his fetching tartan scarf and Tam ‘O’ Shanter hat from the story Terror of the Zygons. The set is completed by the addition of Sergeant John Benton, this time in camouflage uniform and an additional UNIT trooper.
Fifth Doctor and TARDIS Set
This set features detailing from the Fifth Doctor story The Visitation. It comprises a crisp moulding of the Fifth Doctor with his floppy hat, while the TARDIS comes in a pristine blue livery.
The Daleks’ Collector Set Number 3
This set comprises of a Twin Dalek Set and features the Daleks as seen fully in the First Doctor story The Chase. It features one of the ‘guest’ Daleks brought in from the Doctor Who and the Daleks film which appear in the Dalek Control room sequences of Episode 3 and one of the Standard silver drone Daleks.
The Daleks’ Collector Set Number 4
This set features two Daleks as seen in The Daleks’ Master Plan from 1966. It includes a Black Dalek with Grey shoulders, a silver neck bin and silver solar struts alongside one of the Silver Drones seen in the jungle sequences clearing foliage with a unique flame thrower device.
Al Dewar, Character Options’ Creative Director, said.
“We were determined to give the fans something exciting and again hopefully we have genuinely surprised them with the new additions that have been coupled with some of our previous released figures. The inclusion of a new Fourth Doctor, Sarah and Romana 1 will hopefully surprise everyone in what is an astounding number of new figures this year and hopefully we will continue to exceed the expectations of fans and collectors alike.”
These action figures are available from B&M in the UK from October 2020, and from The Official North America Doctor Who Store, Amazon and the BBC Shop in the US.