August 01, 2018
Featuring Doctors, companions and monsters both past and present, One Doctor Two Hearts is the ultimate Doctor Who retro counting book!
《One Doctor Two Hearts》由Adam Howling绘制,是一本有着复古画风的《神秘博士》主题算术书,你会在书里看到博士、同伴们,以及来自过去和未来的各种怪物。

Packed throughout with references to the Doctor Who world, the humour and detail of One Doctor Two Hearts will appeal to children of all ages, as well as Doctor Who fans young and old.

In the wonderful style of T is for TARDIS, the stunning, retro-style illustrations on every page complete this beautiful hardback.
与之前的字母学习书《T is for TARDIS》一样,这本算术书装帧精美,每一页都是精致而复古的插画,看上去绚烂无比。

One Doctor, Two Hearts, illustrated by Adam Howling is now available to purchase.
《One Doctor Two Hearts》精装本目前已经开放预售,你可以点击文末的链接订购。