
Listen: Five tracks from Doctor Who Series 7 Original Soundtrack

By Christopher Allen and Matt Guenigault

Silva Screen Records has released its eighth Doctor Who album since 2006 - Doctor Who Series 7 - Original TV Soundtrack

This 2 CD set offers a feast of 74 new Murray Gold themes, covering music from all 13 stories of Series 7.

Gold has garnered five BAFTA nominations (two for Doctor Who), plus three Royal Television Society nominations and a win for Queer As Folk. In 2013 Murray Gold celebrated one his greatest musical accomplishments with a third Doctor Who Prom at the Royal Albert Hall.

Download Doctor Who Series 7 - Original TV Soundtrack from Silva Screen. Not convinced yet? Then listen to clips from five of our faves below:


Brian’s Log
From The Power of Three
In honour of our favourite Doctor Who dad of recent years, we’ve nominated this jaunty little “time-passing” piece. Composer Murray Gold claims that “I sometimes think that lightness is harder to achieve than heaviness”, but he manages fantastically here. As the rest of the world comes gets bored with “the slow invasion” and carries on with their lives, one brave man and his camcorder keeps watch. As long as he can keep his eyes open…



Together Or Not At All – The Song Of Rory And Amy
From The Angels Take Manhattan
Hankies at the ready - this is the story of the Ponds, or more specifically, how it ends. Starting with oppressive chords reminiscent of 1980s Doctor Who scores – and foreshadowed in Aslyum of the Daleks - Murray Gold piles in strings then brass and vocals, as Amy and Rory act “together, or not at all”.



From The Bells of Saint John
We loved Clara’s simple little tune, first introduced in The Snowmen, and this fuller, more orchestral version from Bells allows you to enjoy its twinkly magic for longer. Eagle-eared listeners can also discover a disguised version of Clara’s theme on this release – the Oswin Oswald track from Asylum of the Daleks.



The Long Song
From The Rings of Akhaten
Passed from Chorister to Chorister, The Long Song of Akhaten was sung for a million years to keep the Old God asleep. When the planet-sized parasite awoke, Merry Gejelh helped the Doctor by signing the song, as Akhaten tried to absorb his memories, causing the it’s destruction. The Doctor’s impassioned tirade “rivalled his speech in The Pandorica Opens for bravura and swagger” says Murray Gold.



To Save The Doctor
From The Name of the Doctor
Underscoring the extraordinary pre-credits sequence of the series finale – from the breathtaking fly-out on “Gallifrey: a very long time ago” to Clara spinning through the vortex, witnessing all of the Doctor’s incarnations – To Save the Doctor is an unforgettable piece.


A limited-edition gatefold wallet release is available now, alongside the standard CD and download versions.

The full track-listing is as follows:

  1. They Are Everywhere
  2. Save Us
  3. Dalek Parliament
  4. Oswin Oswald
  5. Towards the Asylum
  6. A Probe In the Snow
  7. Amy and Rory Together
  8. The Terrible Truth
  9. Dinosaurs On a Spaceship / Pterodactyls
  10. Brian
  11. Take a Ride On Tricey
  12. Make Peace
  13. Welcome to Mercy
  14. Out West
  15. Gunslingers
  16. The Salvation of Kahler Jex
  17. Our Little Town’s Prosecutor
  18. Cubes
  19. While We Waited
  20. Brian’s Log
  21. New York New York
  22. I Am You
  23. Melody Malone
  24. Little Angels
  25. My Husband’s Home
  26. Hide the Damage
  27. Almost the End
  28. Together or Not At All - The Song of Amy and Rory
  29. Goodbye Pond
  30. Cumbria 1207
  31. Monking About
  32. Spoonheads
  33. Clara?
  34. A Turbulent Flight
  35. Bah Bah Biker
  36. Up the Shard
  37. I Might Change My Mind
  38. The Leaf
  39. Something Awesome
  40. Market Day
  41. Merry Gejelh
  42. God of Akhaten
  43. The Speeder
  44. Never Wake
  45. The Long Song
  46. Infinite Potential
  47. Always You, Never a Replacement
  48. Cold War
  49. Skaldak
  50. I Am a Ghost
  51. A Machine That Makes Machines
  52. Crimson Horror
  53. Sweetville
  54. Thomas Thomas
  55. Hedgewick's World
  56. Tiberian Spiral Galaxy
  57. Upgrade In Progress
  58. The Dream of Cyberia
  59. What a Brain
  60. Can’t Win
  61. Your Orders Come from Me
  62. Other Good News
  63. The Impossible Girl
  64. Cyber Army
  65. The Emperor’s Wife
  66. Some Wednesday
  67. To Save the Doctor
  68. A Letter to Clara
  69. What Is His Name?
  70. A Secret He Will Take to His Grave
  71. Trenzalore
  72. I Am Information
  73. Pain Everlasting
  74. Remember Me

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