
Exclusive: First look at Titan Comics' new Tenth and Eleventh Doctors

By Christopher Allen

New Doctor Who comic-book licensee Titan Comics have revealed their covers and creator details for issue #1 in their Tenth and Eleventh Doctor series.

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1

David Tennant comic book cover

Eisner Award-winning writer Nick Abadzis (Laika) and fan-favorite artist Elena Casagrande (AngelSuicide Risk, Doctor Who, Star Trek) take control of the TARDIS for their first five-issue arc with the Tenth Doctor. And don't miss the second arc, by fellow series architect Robbie Morrison (DrowntownNikolai DanteThe Authority).

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1

Matt Smith comic book cover

Series architects Al Ewing (Loki: Agent of AsgardMighty AvengersTrifecta) and Rob Williams (Revolutionary WarOrdinaryMiss FuryThe Royals: Masters of WarTrifecta) kick off a whirlwind adventure through eternity for the Eleventh Doctor, with artist Simon Fraser (Nikolai DanteGrindhouse, Doctor Who).

Both of the issue #1 covers are by Alice X. Zhang, whose beautiful images of Doctor Who characters have previously been licensed as official posters.

Titan Comics were announced as the new comic-book licensee in January, and the two ranges will hit stores in July, with a Twelfth Doctor range following later in the year.

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor and Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor comic series hit stores on 23 July 2014.

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