May 25, 2023
More information is today revealed for Doom’s Day, a Doctor Who multi-platform story to celebrate Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary.
Fans will follow Doom, as she travels through all of time and space in pursuit of the Doctor to save her from the ever-approaching Death. She only has 24 hours and a vortex manipulator to save herself before her fate is sealed forever.
Sooz Kempner is the face and voice of Doom, and a number of fan-favourite characters will feature along her journey.
Doom’s story begins on 5th June on the Doom’s Day website and Doctor Who digital channels with the story’s first hour and adventure, followed by the next four hours of Doom’s final day in Doctor Who Magazine from 22nd June. Titan Comics, East Side Games, Penguin Random House, BBC Audio and Big Finish then countdown as Doom’s search for the Doctor continues before the final instalment on Doctor Who digital channels in September.
More detailed story information about each hour of Doom’s Day is available now on