March 10, 2020
March sees the release of a range of brand-new audio adventures from Big Finish. Here’s a roundup of what’s available to buy on CD and download this month.

Donna Noble: saving the world at 100 words per minute!
Donna Noble has come home. After the trauma of the Library, Donna wants a break, to see old friends and family, to remind herself of normality. But when she starts investigating strange abductions, she’s dragged into a whole new universe of trouble...
Order Donna Noble – Kidnapped! from Big Finish

The First Doctor returns to Skaro
Two new adventures for the Doctor, Susan, Barbara and Ian, one which sends them to the past, and one that propels them back to the future. David Bradley, Jemma Powell, Jamie Glover and Claudia Grant return as the original, yet slightly different, TARDIS team, and this time they’ll be facing the Doctor’s greatest foe – the Daleks!
Order The First Doctor Adventures Volume 04 from Big Finish

Captain Jack, Jackie Tyler and River Song!
River Song and Captain Jack Harkness cross paths for the first time in their zig-zagging timelines. Will the universe ever be the same again? Alex Kingston co-stars along with Camille Coduri, also returning as Jackie Tyler, with John Barrowman playing the immortal Captain Jack Harkness.
Order The Lives of Captain Jack Volume 03 from Big Finish

A classic Bernice Summerfield novel is now an audiobook
Don't ever annoy the Fifth Axis. They might throw you into the Glass Prison on Deirbhile and throw away the key. Once you're inside, there's nowhere to hide. You're going to be watched for the rest of your life. Even if you're a professor of archaeology.
Order Bernice Summerfield - The Glass Prison from Big Finish

The Third Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith in space!
When NASA has a problem, they quickly turn to the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith to investigate. Their Mariner 10 probe disappeared for 30 minutes, with no explanation. What starts out as quick investigation ends up having catastrophic consequences...
Order Decline of the Ancient Mariner from Big Finish
All titles are initially available exclusively from the Big Finish website in March. Check back here next month for a roundup of next month’s releases!