TV Series


By Beth Axford

Doctor Who hit San Diego Comic-Con last week to promote the upcoming series. Jodie Whittaker joined two of her Doctor Who co-stars, Tosin Cole and Mandip Gill as well as series showrunner Chris Chibnall and executive producer Matt Strevens to talk Series 11 in Hall H. Here's some highlights from the exciting panel!

Jodie’s introduction

Jodie’s introduction to the Doctor Who panel included a specially filmed clip of her journey from the Doctor Who studios in Cardiff all the way to Comic-Con. In the clip, Jodie runs to the TARDIS after realising she is late, only to discover a sign across the front reading ‘Not for personal use’. What ever will she do?! Settling for the boring human option of a taxi and a plane, she arrives in San Diego and asks a Thirteenth Doctor cosplayer for directions to Hall H; the Doctor has arrived.



Fan video played to Jodie

To welcome Jodie to her very first San Diego Comic-Con, a special video featuring fans from all over the world was played for her. This included reactions to her reveal clip from last year as well as messages from many people excited to see the Thirteenth Doctor in action. Fans and cosplayers sent their love and best wishes to Jodie in this video made by BBC America:


为了欢迎Jodie第一次参加SDCC,BBC America号召世界各地的粉丝参与,制作了一个特殊的视频。其中包括大家对一年前新博士扮演者揭晓的反馈,以及对她的期待、寄语与祝愿。

Being cast in Doctor Who

During the panel, Chris Chibnall revealed how the new team was cast: “They all came in and auditioned and they were all amazing”. On casting Jodie as the Thirteenth Doctor, he explained that she “just walked into the room and she was the Doctor”.

When asked how she kept her casting a secret, Jodie added “I just had to kind of make out that I had a lot of social events for a long time!”. She also revealed that she “really wanted the part”, so she made her own props for the audition including a shoebox full of wires that acted as a bomb to defuse.On the casting of new friends Yasmin Khan (Mandip Gill) and Ryan Sinclair (Tosin Cole), Chris said that both are “incredibly funny, smart and have range” and that after their auditions, Jodie immediately said, “it’s those two!”.


在panel上,剧集制作人Chris Chibnall透露了几位主演的选角过程:“他们的试镜都非常出色”。关于Jodie,Chris评价道:“她走进房间那一刻我就知道,这就是博士本人。”当被问到如何保守秘密Jodie说:“在很长一段时间里,我只能解释说自己是去参加许多社交活动!”她也透露自己去试镜时非常想要得到这个角色,甚至动手做了道具,用一个塞满了电线的鞋盒,现场表演拆弹。新朋友Yasmin Khan(Mandip Gill 饰)和Ryan Sinclair(Tosin Cole 饰)的试镜表演也非常令Chris满意:“幽默风趣,可塑性强。” 在看了两位演员的表演之后,Jodie表示,“就是他俩了!”。

Bradley Walsh gatecrashes the panel from the Doctor Who set

Unable to make it to Comic-Con, Bradley Walsh gatecrashed the panel with a special video from the set of Doctor Who. He will be playing one of the the Doctor’s new friends Graham O’Brien. In the video, he appears outside Jodie’s trailer and as he giggles “When the Doctor’s away, companions will PLAY!”, he slips into her coat whilst singing the Doctor Who theme.

Bradley Walsh的意外惊喜

在第11季中,Bradley Walsh将扮演博士的新朋友Graham O'Brien。这次他虽然未能参加SDCC,但特意在《神秘博士》片场为漫展录了小视频。他出现在预告片的屏幕外面,偷笑着说:“博士不在家,同伴要玩起来啦!”还哼着《神秘博士》主旋律,套上了博士的新外套。

Tosin Cole

Tosin didn’t reveal much about his character Ryan Sinclair, but we did find out that he spent a whopping seven hours filming his 15 second section of the teaser trailer, where he sits in a cafe eating eggs, beans and toast, despite not liking eggs!

As well as this, the rest of the cast revealed that he’s been behind on some things and didn’t even know Jodie was the Doctor during his audition! On keeping his casting a secret, he explained that he told everyone, despite being sworn to secrecy! Tut, tut, Tosin.

Tosin Cole


Mandip Gill

In her first interview since being cast in the show, Mandip gave some hints and teased upcoming stories. Describing her character, Mandip said “Yaz is a 19-year-old from Sheffield that meets the Doctor and is in awe of her”. She goes on to reveal that the team become her family and that the dynamic between the three friends is “beautiful”.

Mandip Gill

这场Panel是Mandip在加入剧组后的第一场采访,她透露了一点点关于新一季故事的提示。“Yaz是个来自谢菲尔德的19岁姑娘,见到博士之后就被她惊艳了。” Mandip说整个团队就像家人一样,三位新朋友之间的互动戏也非常动人。

New trailer

A brand new Doctor Who trailer made its debut during the panel, featuring the very first clips from Series 11. “All of this is new to me”, the Doctor says in the voiceover. “New faces, new worlds, new times. So, if I asked really, really nicely… would you be my new best friends?”.



Sonic Screwdriver reveal

After a glimpse of it in the trailer, the Sonic Screwdriver was revealed by Jodie Whittaker in Hall H to an excited audience for the very first time. Holding it up to the crowd, she gave it a whizz and showed its different features. Showrunner Chris Chibnall teased “There is a very specific way the Doctor comes by this Sonic Screwdriver”.


在预告片中一闪而过的新音速起子,由Jodie在H厅第一次正式揭秘。在观众热烈的欢呼声中,Jodie把起子高举过头顶展示,还让它嗖嗖地响了起来。剧集制作人Chris Chibnall调侃道:“博士的这个起子,可是有特殊由来的。”

The cast on the Thirteenth Doctor’s personality

When the panel were asked if they could reveal anything about the Thirteenth Doctor’s personality, Jodie Whittaker replied “I feel like this Doctor requires a lot of energy, a lot of childish wonder”. “Stern when you need to be”, added Tosin, “bubbly, energetic, angry, playful… she’s a very playful Doctor”. Executive Producer Matt Strevens concluded: “The Doctor is in love with life, keeps pushing for life and loves new experiences. It’s a joyous performance!”. 


Jodie Whittaker说:“这一任博士充满能量,她有着孩子一般的好奇。” “必要时坚定不移”,Tosin补充道,“她活泼,有活力,爱玩,脾气还不小……是位非常有爱的博士。”执行制作人Matt Strevens最后总结:“博士热爱生活,热爱新鲜事儿,不断地寻求新的冒险,充满欢乐!”

Chris Chibnall on Series 11

Chris Chibnall was asked if fans were going to see anything returning from previous Doctor Who stories. “It’s a lot of new stuff this year”, he revealed, “We’ve got ten standalone stories, lots of new villains, lots of new monsters, lots of new characters for you to fall in love with… This year is the perfect jumping on point for that person in your life who has never watched Doctor Who, I want you to go out there and recruit that person and sit them down for Jodie’s first episode, so you can go, ‘SEE! There is no barrier to entry this year’”.

Chris Chibnall 谈第11季

会有之前剧集的内容回归吗?Chris Chibnall答道:“今年有很多新东西。我们创作了10个单元的故事,加入了许多新反派、新怪物和新角色,相信大家会爱上他们的。如果你之前从没看过《神秘博士》,这将是一个完美的起点。希望大家都拉着亲朋好友来看Jodie的出场,那时候就可以说,‘你看,入坑毫无障碍’。”

Three words that sum up the Doctor

If our new TARDIS team and showrunners could sum up the Thirteenth Doctor in three words, what would they be? Well, one lucky fan got to ask them, and here’s what they said:

Tosin – “Young, bubbly and funny”
Mandip – “Humorous, witty and energetic”
Chris – “Really flippin’ awesome”
Matt – “Effervescent, kick-ass”



Tosin - 年轻、神气活现、有趣
Mandip - 幽默、机智、充满能量
Chris - 超级 - 无敌 - 棒
Matt – 有活力、超赞、了不起

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