August 06, 2018
Doctor Who Infinity, the highly-anticipated follow-up to the smash hit Doctor Who: Legacy video game by Tiny Rebel Games, launched today for PC and Mac, including on Steam.
《Doctor Who Infinity》是热门游戏《Doctor Who: Legacy》的续集,由Tiny Rebel Games出品。这部备受瞩目的作品8月6日已经在PC和Mac端上线,还包括Steam平台。
The new game brings the world of the Doctor to life with brand new, episodic, comic-book style game adventures. Beginning today, players can enjoy the first three episodes, including The Dalek Invasion of Time, The Orphans of the Polyoptra and The Lady of the Lake, with more to be released later this year. Mobile versions of the game will release later this month on iOS and Android.
这款游戏打造了全新的漫画剧集式冒险,带你领略《神秘博士》的奇妙世界。从今天起,玩家能体验游戏的前三集,包括《The Dalek Invasion of Time》《The Orphans of the Polyoptra》和《The Lady of the Lake》,更多故事将在下半年推出。iOS和安卓版本也将在八月下旬上线。
Each Doctor Who Infinity story is crafted in collaboration between Tiny Rebel Games and Seed Studio, along with a broad team of UK-based talent including well-known Doctor Who actors, writers and artists. Cardiff-based, award-winning audio designer and composer Stafford Bawler is providing audio direction. The multi-story game packs engaging, original Doctor Who stories for players to play through and enjoy – with each adventure featuring its own unique art style and author.
《Doctor Who Infinity》中的故事由Tiny Rebel Games和Seed Studio联合出品,还囊括了一大批优秀的英国演员、作家和艺术家,来自卡迪夫的知名音效设计师Stafford Bawler担任音乐指导。游戏的主线内容丰富,原创剧情引人入胜,玩家可以尽情享受作者为每一个故事带来的独特艺术风格。
Doctor Who Infinity episodes available now include:
The Dalek Invasion of Time
The first episode is written by George Mann, critically-acclaimed author of many Doctor Who stories; drawn by acclaimed artist and writer Mike Collins, known worldwide for his history of work with Doctor Who and other major comic properties; and colored by Kris Carter, who has previously worked on properties such as Shrek, Torchwood and Doctor Who. The game is narrated by actors Michelle Gomez, who reprises her TV series role as Missy; Ingrid Oliver, who reprises her TV series role as Osgood; and Bella Ramsey, who voices new villain Freya in the game.
第一集由广受好评的《神秘博士》剧本作者George Mann撰写,知名艺术家兼作家Mike Collins绘制,他因参与创作《神秘博士》等作品的漫画创作而享誉全球。 参与过《怪物史莱克》《火炬木小组》和《神秘博士》等影视作品的Kris Carter担任本集着色,电视剧中Missy的扮演者Michelle Gomez为旁白献声,Osgood的扮演者Ingrid Oliver也将继续出演她在剧中的角色,新反派Freya则由Bella Ramsey配音。
The Orphans of the Polyoptra
Episode two is written by former Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sarah Jane Adventures script editor Gary Russell, who is also a well-known writer of Doctor Who novels and audio dramas and a former editor of Doctor Who Magazine. Gary has stated this will be his final Doctor Who story. The game’s art has been drawn by David Roach, noted inker of comic strips for Doctor Who Magazine, and colored by Dylan Teague. The story is narrated by actor Katy Manning, who returns as companion Jo Grant, and also voices the enemy.
第二集由Gary Russell撰写,他曾是《神秘博士》《火炬木小组》和《莎拉简大冒险》的剧本编辑,创作过《神秘博士》衍生小说和广播剧,还是《神秘博士》杂志的前编辑。Gary表示,这将是他为《神秘博士》创作的最后一个故事。担任绘画的是《神秘博士》杂志的知名条漫着墨师David Roach,由Dylan Teague上色。演员Katy Manning担任旁白,她不仅在游戏中继续扮演博士的同伴Jo Grant,还为敌人的角色配音。
The Lady of the Lake
Episode three is written by Scott Handcock, author of many Doctor Who audio dramas and short stories; drawn by Neil Edwards, whose work includes Marvel, DC and Titan Comics; and colored by John-Paul Bove, known for his colorist work on G.I. Joe, Doctor Who, Transformers, and Dylan Teague, comics artist and colorist for Doctor Who Magazine and DC Comics. The story is being narrated by actor Celyn Jones playing the role of Geraint. Other voices featured include Katy Manning as Delyth and Marilyn Le Conte as the eponymous “Lady of the Lake”.
本集由《神秘博士》广播剧和短篇小说作者Scott Handcock撰写,与漫威、DC和泰坦漫画合作的Neil Edwards绘制。着色师是曾参与制作动画《特种部队》《神秘博士》和《变形金刚》的John-Paul Bove,以及《神秘博士》杂志与DC漫画的艺术家Dylan Teague。故事由扮演Geraint一角的Celyn Jones讲述,配音者还包括饰演Delyth 的Katy Manning和饰演游戏同名角色的Marilyn Le Conte。
Doctor Who Infinity is now available on Steam, Humble Bundle, Green Man Gaming, iTunes and Google Play.
《Doctor Who Infinity》已在Steam,Humble Bundle 和 Man Gaming这三个游戏平台上线,八月下旬将推出iOS和安卓版,价格也会随之公布。