
Choose the next monsters to appear at the Doctor Who Experience!

By Cameron K McEwan

This summer, we’re asking Doctor Who fans of all ages to help us choose the next collection of monsters to restore as part of the Doctor Who Experience: Restoration project.

We’ve selected two monsters each from the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctor eras including one from the final ever episode of Doctor Who’s original run in 1989. Choose from:

• Mandrel from Nightmare of Eden
• Morbius from The Brain of Morbius

• Sea Devil from Warriors of the Deep
• Tractator from Frontios

• Drathro from The Mysterious Planet
• Vervoid from Terror of the Vervoids

• Haemovore from The Curse of Fenric
• Cheetah person from Survival

To vote, click on one of the monsters’ images below!

Voting closes on Friday 22nd July, with the winning monsters announced w/c 25th July.

The restored monster will be revealed on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th August, 2016.

Meanwhile, Mike Tucker returns to the Doctor Who Experience on Saturday July 16th to unveil the following recently restored monsters:

• Zygon from the Fourth Doctor’s Terror of the Zygons
• Omega from the Fifth Doctor’s Arc of Infinity
• Tetrap from the Seventh Doctor’s Time and the Rani

Doctor Who Experience: Restoration project
As well as preserving these exceptional artefacts and their place in the heritage of the TV show, the restoration programme sets about to reveal the stories behind some of these original, screen used artefacts, how they were made, what went into the design processes of their time - and how those methods are replicated today to bring them back to life and their original glory.

Along the way, we bump into some of the actors and artists who originally played, designed and brought these monsters to life as well as managing to unearth original moulds, revealing some of the original design drawings and sharing some of the weird and wonderful behind the scenes facts about Doctor Who.

The programme continues after last autumn’s Davros restoration which marked the character’s return to the current series as well as continuing the original work done as part of opening the Doctor Who Experience back in 2011.

Mike Tucker

Mike Tucker (pictured above), along with the team at the Model Unit based at Ealing Studios, is the restoration programme’s supervising expert. Mike is a BAFTA winner for his work in visual effects and worked for the BBC’s in-house visual effects team until its closure in 2003. In 2005, Mike achieved the distinction of working on both the classic and the new series of Doctor Who. Hailing from nearby Swansea, Mike has helped the Doctor Who Experience team in various forms since it began in 2011 – most notably with some of the Daleks in the adventure itself.

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