Season 06 | EP 5

The Seeds of Death

Written by Brian Hayles

"Jamie and I have met them before. They come from the planet Mars"

Episode Title Premiere Date
Episode 1 25/01/1969
Episode 2 01/02/1969
Episode 3 08/02/1969
Episode 4 15/02/1969
Episode 5 22/02/1969
Episode 6 01/03/1969

It is the late 21st century and mankind is totally dependent on T-Mat, a revolutionary form of instant travel. The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe arrive to find that the sinister Ice Warriors plan to invade Earth, using T-Mat to transport deadly seed pods full of a fungus that will absorb the planet's oxygen. The Doctor must race against time to defeat the Martian invaders — or condemn the human race to suffocation...

Cast & Crew

The Doctor: Patrick Troughton

Jamie McCrimmon: Frazer Hines

Zoe Heriot: Wendy Padbury

Slaar: Alan Bennion

Gia Kelly: Louise Pajo

Radnor: Ronald Leigh-Hunt

Eldred: Philip Ray

Grand Marshall: Graham Leaman

Producer: Peter Bryant

Director: Michael Ferguson

Scriptwriter: Brian Hayles

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