Series 06 | EP 1

The Impossible Astronaut

Written by Steven Moffat

"The Doctor's death doesn't frighten me. Nor does my own. There's a far worse day coming for me."

Episode Title Premiere Date
The Impossible Astronaut  23/04/2011

The Doctor, Amy and Rory receive a secret summons that leads them to the Oval Office in 1969. Enlisting the help of a former FBI agent and the irrepressible River Song, the Doctor promises to assist the President in saving a terrified little girl from a mysterious Space Man.

Cast & Crew

The Doctor: Matt Smith

Amy Pond: Karen Gillan

Rory: Arthur Darvill

River Song: Alex Kingston

Canton Delaware: Mark Sheppard

Old Canton Delaware: W Morgan Sheppard

President Richard Nixon: Stuart Milligan

Carl: Chukwudi Iwuji

Phil: Mark Griffin

The Silent: Marnix Van Den Broeke

Little Girl: Sydney Wade

Joy: Nancy Baldwin

Prison Guard: Kieran O'Connor

Writer: Steven Moffat

Producer: Marcus Wilson

Director: Toby Haynes

Captain Simmons: Adam Napier

Matilda: Henrietta Clemett

Charles: Paul Critoph

Busboy: Emilio Aquino

Writer: Steven Moffat

Director: Toby Haynes

Producer: Marcus Wilson

Executive Producer: Steven Moffat

Executive Producer: Piers Wenger

Executive Producer: Beth Willis