
First Doctor David Bradley talks Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall

By Cameron McEwan

Doctor Who Magazine issue 519 hits newsstands later this week and inside you'll find an exclusive interview with actor, David Bradley.

Bradley is the man behind the the return of the First Doctor, as seen in the Series 10 finale, The Doctor Falls, and the forthcoming Christmas Special, Twice Upon A Time.

READ: Everything You Need To Know About The First Doctor

David, who portrayed original First Doctor actor William Hartnell in 2013’s An Adventure In Space And Time, spoke about this year’s Christmas Special but also about the incoming team to Doctor Who.

On the Thirteenth Doctor actress , Bradley told Doctor Who Magazine:

“We worked together on Broadchurch. She’s lovely.”

Broadchurch was an ITV series which ran for three series from 2013 and starred Tenth Doctor actor, David Tennant. The new First Doctor actor continued with his praise for Jodie:

"Absolutely delightful. I think she’ll be fantastic. All the emotional range you could want, and she’s going to be very funny as well.

So she’s perfect for the Doctor, really.”

Broadchurch was created by Chris Chibnall, the man replacing Steven Moffat as Doctor Who showrunner. Bradley also worked with the writer on the 2012 Eleventh Doctor episode Dinosaurs On A Spaceship.

Bradley said of Chibnall:

“He’s just wonderful. His scripts are so rich and fascinating. Well-drawn, forceful characters.

As an actor, working with Chris, you feel you’re in very good hands. As you do with Steven. We’re all in it together on Doctor Who, and everybody wants it to be good. I think Chris will be amazing.

Doctor Who’s future is in safe hands.”

David Bradley as The First Doctor on the cover of a magazine

You can read the full interview with David Bradley and his Twice Upon A Time co-stars, and much, much more in the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine.

DWM 519 is available from Nov 16, 2017

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