July 18, 2019
The results are in! The winners and runners up of the Doctor Who Fan Art Competition have been announced, take a look at all of their entries and find out a little bit more about the artists.
Runners Up:
Celeste Madrigal
What inspired your artwork? My artwork was inspired by the energetic and playful layers of the Thirteenth Doctor. The look of wonder in her eyes was important for me to capture. I incorporated the TARDIS as part of her face in three different perspectives to integrate the essence of time travel. I am obsessed with using bold colours in all of my art and in life. I wanted to use colours such as light blue and purple tones to have good contrast and yet still complement each other.
How long have you been a fan of the show? I started watching the show since the Tenth Doctor. There is so much legacy surrounding the show that I really appreciate seeing what each Doctor and companions bring to the show. The new worlds and new times have me hooked.
Who is your favourite Doctor to illustrate? My favourite Doctor is lucky number thirteen. I was over the moon when I heard the announcement of the first female Doctor. I love the fresh take and joy for life that the Thirteenth Doctor brings. I also really enjoy her style and wanted to incorporate that in my artwork. I ultimately chose to create an art piece that was a close up of her face, so I wanted to make sure I got the details in her earrings just right.
See more of Celeste’s work here.

Elizabeth Wallace
What inspired your artwork? My artwork was inspired by the quote from The Doctor’s Wife, “Are all people like this…. So much bigger on the inside” and the idea that the Doctor’s first love is the TARDIS, it is in a way, the Doctor’s heart.
How long have you been a fan of the show? I’ve been a fan of Doctor Who since 2010. I was introduced by some friends and fell in love with the show. I have seen all of the post-2005 seasons so far, as well as classic Doctor Who up through Horror of Fang Rock.
Who is your favourite Doctor to illustrate? My favourite Doctor is the Eleventh Doctor, both to watch and draw. He was my first Doctor and holds a very special place in my heart.

Imogen Newman
What inspired your artwork? My work was inspired by Thirteen’s bounding energy - It was super important for me to try to capture the lovely positivity and vigour that we all love about her. My artwork therefore has a lovely bright palette - I made use of the vivid rainbow tones in her t-shirt and used them in the paint-splattered backdrop. I also illustrated her jumping with a chirpy expression on her face to really try and show off her spirit!
How long have you been a fan of the show? I’ve been a fan of the show since it was revived. My Dad is a super-fan - I remember him sitting down 7 year-old me in 2005 to watch Rose. Fourteen years later, sitting down to watch Doctor Who on a weekend evening remains a valued event in our household. It’s stayed with me through my childhood, my teens, and now my 20s.
Who is your favourite Doctor to illustrate? My favourite Doctor is definitely Jodie Whittaker. She’s also my favourite to illustrate. Jodie is one of my favourite actresses and a big inspiration for me - seeing the Doctor being enriched with fabulous female talent is so refreshing to see. I adore the infectious optimism and relatable awkwardness of her Doctor. Thirteen has a special place in my heart!
See more of Imogen’s work here.

Jason Longstreet
What inspired your artwork? I’m most known for my Legendary Ladies Series of paintings depicting strong leading ladies in film and television so it was elementary for me to choose the Thirteenth Doctor for this painting.
How long have you been a fan of the show? I was introduced to Doctor Who only about 5 years ago but I was instantly captivated.
See more of Jason’s work here.

Gail Schoonmaker
What inspired your artwork?I love the combination of youthful energy and "old soul" that Matt Smith brings to the role of the 11th Doctor. I like to imagine him passing an afternoon of quiet reflection while enjoying the childish fun of flying a kite. A TARDIS kite, of course.
How long have you been a fan of the show?I'm a relative newcomer, but a fast fan. I began watching over my daughter's shoulder a few years ago, and I got hooked! Now that she is at university, I watch with my husband and compare notes via text with my daughter.
Who is your favourite Doctor to illustrate?My favourite Doctor to illustrate is the Twelfth Doctor because of Peter Capaldi's wonderful hair. But I have a soft spot for the Ninth, because he is the first Doctor I watched and fell in love with.
See more of Gail’s work here.