October 04, 2021
The Thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) and the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) need your help to save reality in the new console and PC game, The Edge of Reality, releasing on the 14th October 2021.
Compatible with current and next-gen consoles as well as PC, The Edge of Reality reimagines and expands on previous VR-only game The Edge of Time, with a completely new and compelling adventure.
The creators of this new Doctor Who console game gave some of the behind the scenes away before the Chaosverse is unleashed!
Prepare to enter the Chaosvere with The Edge of Reality here: https://www.doctorwhotheedgeofreality.com

Writer Gavin Collinson, explains the excitement and teases more about expanding of Doctor Who: The Edge of Time, for non-VR consoles and PC.
“I wanted to take everything we knew people liked about the previous game (Doctor Who: The Edge of Time) and say, ‘Fantastic, more of that please!”

The Edge of Reality contains many thrills and excitements, including a brand new design of Cybermen. On the CyberReaper, Gavin says:
“I’m a huge Doctor Who fan, so as a writer a brief like this is fantastic, because all the things that you want to see in a game, you can create. It makes my heart sing to be able to have two Doctors in this story, to have the Cybermen and the Daleks, and not only that, but a new version of the Cyberman; a new enemy which adds to the mythology of the Cybermen. They’re an enemy that does evolve, and this latest iteration is something very different and macabre. Terrifying!”
And one of the developers, Stuart Gilray, notes:
"We wanted to explore the idea of a Cyberman that was more aggressive than ever before, so we looked at why Cybermen are the way they are and imagined what could make them even more dangerous. So if you look closely at the CyberReaper design, you’ll see that it is made up of different versions of the Cybermen – how this happened and why it happened, all will be revealed in the game.”

But what is the Chaosverse? Gavin explains:
“The Chaosverse is a geographical place, but also a state where the normal laws of physics have ceased to exist. It is an area of extreme danger, because everything that you think you can hold true, you can no longer hold true. As a gamer that’s enormous fun, because you simply don’t know what to expect. There are still plenty of elements there to make it recognisably Doctor Who, but it’s Doctor Who with a twist. I think it’s a section of the game people will really enjoy, because Doctor Who at its best is unexpected, but maintains all those motifs that we enjoy.”
Stuart adds:
It's a chaotic universe, where the Reality Virus has hit and is breaking everything down. Things appear that don't belong or aren’t where they're meant to be, and we played upon that. It's been unique, it's been fun, and it's opened up some great possibilities, such as introducing the Tenth Doctor.”

On writing for the Tenth and Thirteenth Doctor:
“Working with those characters was fantastic. With the Doctor, she’s always going to be the brightest person in the room, which is fun. But it’s also difficult to write because if she’s already got the answers, where’s the problem?! And so it’s just about balancing that: having the stakes high enough, putting her in a position where she is in peril, and then letting her go. Working with Jodie Whittaker is like a one-woman adrenaline rush, she immediately sweeps you up in the story. “David Tennant was also a joy to watch, particularly as we move the Tenth Doctor’s story forward, and we see a different side to him.”
Writer of the music for the games The Edge of Time and The Edge of Reality, Richard Wilkinson, told us how he went about for this style of a Doctor Who adventure:
“It was kind of like doing a sequel, with all of these ideas and themes and motifs ready to use as ingredients. It's the first time that I've done something like that, where I've been able to reinterpret my own stuff and build on it. It's like a tiny little legacy, being able to give something to the world Doctor Who and then revisit that and think about some fresh new twists on it.”
“Being able to record a new version of the Doctor Who theme for the game was an absolute honour – if you’d have told nine-year-old me, his head would have exploded. When you play the game, and the theme kicks in, it's my new version with an orchestra and loads of weird sounds and synths, which was just so much fun to do. I'm excited for people to hear that as well as the rest of the soundtrack.”
Plus he shares an exclusive first listen of the CyberReaper theme...
“I knew we needed a theme for the Cybermen that would tie together all their narrative threads, but I also needed a distinction between the sound of the Cybermen, and the new character of the CyberReaper, who has a very jagged, aggressive motif. It needed to be something that was quite short and quite impactful, because you never know when you're going to run into the CyberReaper. And it's not the kind of character where you want something that's slow and evolving and builds a sense of dread, because it's a relentless pursuit and a relentless enemy. It's a short, jagged, low strings, double bass and cello thing that you'll hear, and then you'll know you're in a situation that you want to get out of pretty fast!”
Not long to wait now! Prepare to enter the Chaosvere with The Edge of Reality here: https://www.doctorwhotheedgeofreality.com or find out more here.