TV Series

Doctor Who Series 10 first ep title revealed

By Cameron K McEwan

Doctor Who Series 10 starts in a matter of weeks though we know very little about what’s to come — watch the latest trailer here.

This series will be the last for Twelfth Doctor actor Peter Capaldi; he is joined by Matt Lucas, as Nardole, and Pearl Mackie as new companion Bill. We do know, however, what the Series 10 Episode 1 is called.

The opening episode of Doctor Who Series 10 is titled…

The Pilot

AND we have some interesting images from the first full episode to feature the Time Lord with his new companion — check them out below.

The Doctor and Bill Potts(C) BBC - Photographer: Simon Ridgway
The Doctor and Bill Potts(C) BBC - Photographer: Simon Ridgway
Bill Potts(C) BBC - Photographer: Simon Ridgway

Alongside its television broadcast, The Pilot will also be seen in cinemas around the world - more details to come.

And here’s a gorgeous new shot of the new Team TARDIS — the Twelfth Doctor, Nardole and Bill.

Doctor Who iconic image of The Doctor, Bill Potts and Nardole in the TARDIS(C) BBC/BBC Worldwide/Shutterstock - Photographer: Des Willie
Doctor Who Series 10, The Pilot airs April 15, 2017

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